Most of the buttons on my old camera have stopped working, come to think of it only the power and take image buttons still works. So it was time to invest in a new camera. After a week of research I decided on Cannon PowerShot G9. In the store where I bought the camera "Digital fotografi i praksis" by Magnar Fjørtoft was placed strategically on the counter. I could not help myself and bought it too. This proved to be a very good investment, after reading only 70 of the 350 pages I have learned a lot. If you are going to buy a new digital camera get one that can store the images in RAW format. I have used my camera for a day, and I have already fallen in love with the RAW format. It does not store the images as a JPEG does, instead it stores all the information the image chip observes. This allows for better manipulation on the computer. Fixing contrast, white balance and such stuff. If you’re in doubt that this is awesome look at the image on this page…
This is a few of the
images I took on my first day with my new camera. The rest of my album can be found