For a while I have been wanting a car. My last car was demolished after my sister borrowed it. To be fair I should probably mention that three drivers hit her in less then 30 minutes. When I started looking at cars I intended to buy a relatively cheap car. Because of taxes, it is a lot cheaper to buy a car with only two seats than one with more. So I was looking at models like Citroen Berlingo and Toyota Yaris. After discussing it over with my girlfriend, we decided that it would be nice to get a car together, since neither of us expect to use it that much. She had several wishes, one of which was that the car had to have at least four seats.
One Saturday morning I looked at a very nice Nisan Patrol, it was awesome to drive.

Seated high, and with huge windows where you had extremely good overview of the traffic. 2.8 liter, 6 sylinders engine and 4x4 gave you a lot of power to play around with and that was the problem. This was a car to play in. It was expensive to buy, expensive to drive (1.2l / 10km) and expensive to insure. Well, we had one more car to look at that day, even though both my car-shopping-assistant-family-members and me agreed that this would be a nice car (and almost within our price range), even my girlfriend liked the car, although she had never seen it.
Like I said, we had one more car to look at that day, it was 100km outsid

e the city, a bit further than we had anticipated. Anyhow, we arrive to find the Skoda Octavia TDI1.9 in good shape. The day before we had tried a similar car, with 4x4 and 90 horse powers, as opposed to this car with two wheel drive and 110 horse powers. After driving it for a while, the decision was clear that this was the economic choice to make. I felt like I took one step in the direction of "family father" when I bought that car.... a tool and not a toy.
I brought the car home that same day. Later that evening my girlfirend saw the car for the first time, the car that she had just bought half of. Fortunately, it met with approval. A few days later the car was insured, to my surprise I had 60% bonus from my last car, which was increased to 70% since I had owned the other car for more than 6 months with 60% bonus. I felt very lucky that I got the high bonus and having found the cheapest insurance.
The day after I a small crack in the winshield. The crack grew over the next day until it was about 40cm long. Fortunately, I got the insurance with extra coverage to cover shit like this, and talking to the people that will change the windshield, I realized that by having this insurance I just saved the total insurance fee for the next year.